Thursday, June 08, 2006

In case you are wondering…

… I’m still alive.
My favorite lurker (Good Half, that is) just told me I had to let you all know that in spite of my blog idleness everything is fine with me.
The reason for the lack of posts is that finally I am preparing the new place for the big move.
For the time being you can sneak a peek at the new kitchen:

Today is also DCveR's Twilight Zone first bloggerversary!
Yes, you folks have been putting up with me for a full year already.
I thank all those who keep coming back here.


Blogger cristina said...

it was good of Good-half to push you to posting. we were getting worried here.... new kitchen huh? can we crash one of your BBQs? churasco com piri-piri please! :)
"Joyeux Bloggyversaire" - happy blogbirthday and all the above.

8/6/06 07:49  
Blogger Unknown said...

loving the kitchen! loving it! approving it! :)

and happy blog b-day!!!!

8/6/06 14:42  
Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

Nice Kitch!
Congrats and good luck with the BIG move and the Blogging.

8/6/06 14:43  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

We just sold Antonio's condo in Barreiro. He bought it in 99 just before being transferred to the US and it was still being built, so no one ever lived in it. It was always seen as a good investment, even as it became less and less likely we'd ever live there, because it was a brand new, never-lived-in condo. Everything about it is gorgeous--big windows, huge living room, jacuzzi tubs. But the kitchen was kinda' blah.

The real estate agent said that the main difference in new construction between the late 90's and now was that the kitchens are much nicer.

And now I can see what he's talking about. I loooooooooooove those cabinets. And the hardware on them. And the color.

And feliz blogiversario!!!

8/6/06 15:19  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Happy blog birthday! Your kitchen looks fab!

9/6/06 13:01  
Blogger Hughes Views said...

Happy bloggerversary, sorry I'm a day late.

I hope your Big Move goes well....

9/6/06 13:09  
Blogger Cream said...

Happy Bloggerversary, DCveR! You have done a fine job over the last twelve months and I am proud to be one of your Cyberfriends!

Christine, hands off that kitchen!
I think it is great! And I like the fact that you have the sink alongside the cooker and the eye-level oven! Is that the fridge-freezer in the corner?
Sorry, but I am a geek when it comes to good-working kitchens...

9/6/06 17:19  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Nice kitchen. Roomy.

9/6/06 22:36  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

happy blog anniversary! i like those cabinet fixtures.

9/6/06 23:51  
Blogger DCveR said...

coffee addict: Obrigado. The kitchen is the only part of the new house that is just about ready, any other photo would be just walls...

ale: Thanks.

homo escapeons: Thanks. The moving is starting so I'll need plenty of luck.

portuguesa nova: Obrigado. The problem now is that as the economy sinks the real estate market is rather weird, plenty of houses for sale and the prices are going down. That will be a bit of a problem selling our old place.

NML: Thanks.

hughes views: Thanks. So do we...

christine: Thanks. The kitchen will probably be used even before the moving is over, but the big storm will be cooked when GH arrives! ;)

cream: Thanks. Yup, that's the fridge/feezer combo. And there will be another one in the storage room. I would mind having some more counter space, but there is always the big kitchen table so I can't complain.

phoenix: Kitchens are a real priority in Portugal, you must have a nice place to prepare good food.

cadiz: Thanks.

10/6/06 00:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maddona mia! That is a GORGEOUS kitchen. Given my love for food and cooking, I'm sure you can imagine my utter jealousy. Congrats on the beautiful design!

10/6/06 00:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

vesparosso: Thanks, but I really can't take any credit for the design, I don't even know who came up with this kitchen.
I'm just a happy buyer on this one.

10/6/06 08:23  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Jealous of that oh-so-modern kitchen!May you have many many great meals with GH there.

Hi GH!! Dc has told you that you are both invited to Hawaii, right?! Can't I tempt you with a few rocks? We have plenty of rocks here. That is the Big Island's specialty. Ok, then what about a volcano or two? I live on the slopes of the world's largest most active volcano--Mauna Loa. When you guys are settled, plan a trip back here. Please?

Happy anniversary Dc. You have a great blog. Your personality comes through so clearly on the blog. Good work.

12/6/06 06:36  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Thanks. We'll do our best. I'm not sure GH will notice a comment on an already read post, but I'll make sure to get her attention.

Tall Glass: Not a grohe faucet, but it will probably be replaced by one (a grohe ashford with pull oout spray), how did you guess? Spending as much time in the kitchen as we do in Portugal we might as well have a nice one. Even in parties there is always a crowd in the kitchen...

12/6/06 23:36  
Blogger Ariadne said...

Congratulations for the new kitchen, the blog an for everything else - you deserve it !


13/6/06 00:06  
Blogger DCveR said...

ariadne: Muito obrigado!

13/6/06 18:08  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: GH says thanks, she is too stressed out right now and asked me to reply to you.

15/6/06 18:30  

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