Tuesday, May 23, 2006

That’ll teach them flames!!!

Instead of investing in real prevention and in better equipment for the firefighters, our glorious and enlightened government has created a special unit of the republican guard, an elite commando of firefighters.
And shall a fire start those flames will have to deal with the power of the guard!
Suddenly a tidbit of history sprang to my mind… when the great Darius of Persia ordered his slaves to whip the sea with chains to punish it for wrecking his fleet.
Guess in the Summer of 2007 canons will be fired against the flames to punish them for this Summer’s forest fires damage.
In Portugal most of the firefighters are volunteers, true enough many among them don’t have enough training, true enough they are sometimes badly equipped, true also that during the last few Summers they weren’t enough to face all the forest fires.
But instead of accusing those who risk their lives for free, for the love of their country and of their fellow countrymen the government should see to their needs.
More air support was needed, more cars, more training.
Plenty of money was spent, commissions were created, lots of new jobs were created, most of them as analysts and consultants, conferences were held… and we’ve got the brave guard to fight the fires.
Remember Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? You can’t be president of the Galaxy with a full brain? Well, it seems you can’t rule a country on Earth with a full brain either. Not even half. Now that I think about it, our government plus the opposition all put together would hardly yield half a brain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of the part where number two declares war on the new continent and they start shooting the trees with their kill-o-zap lasers.

24/5/06 00:03  
Blogger cristina said...

the real sad thing about forrest fires in Portugal is that half or more than half are started willingly by selfish interests. The worst is that some of these people that have in the fields that are set ablaze are GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. When towns like Coimbra Vila do Conde or even the tipical village of Piodão were burning last summer, towns that have so much history and their inhabitants becoming homeless because someone was going to profit from the fire?! That is just immoral!
I do feel sorry for the volunteer firemen, because they are the ones that sacrifice their lives sometimes and the government's response is simply too lame. Less than half a brain for sure!

24/5/06 09:14  
Blogger Cream said...

It's always the same, isn't it! Someone will always profit from the loss of others.

24/5/06 17:06  
Blogger Unknown said...

Agreed, agreed, and agreed again. This post is so accurate and yet the simple facts and truth seem not be absorbed by the ones in power. half a brain? if that.

24/5/06 18:33  
Blogger DCveR said...

mister underhill: Yup, that part too. Guess our leaders all came from the B ship...

coffee addict: You are sadly right. When a fire starts simultaneously on more than ten different spots far apart accident must be ruled out. It is plain crime.

cream: It may be so, but one can still try and fight it.

cave renovator: Much as one hates a dictatorship some things our former dictator used to say are quite right. He'd always said if you want something done or changed appoint someone to do it, if you don't want things changed appoint a committee.

25/5/06 09:19  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't have a legitimate comment, but the word verification is "garno" and I can't pass that up.

5/6/06 23:06  

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