That would be one way to describe these last few days. Even when one loves to work in a lab, after some time it starts to get on your nerves. But all is not bad. GH is preparing to go back to the US next Monday in order to end her studies there, we've just signed the contract to buy a new home (no pictures because it is still being built), thus getting a step closer to bankruptcy for a while. Whatever free time I'll have this month will be spent delivering the xmas prezzies we were unable to deliver so far. I also plan on having most of the moving done before she gets back to Portugal.
All things considered chances are things will be even better in a few months, lest I get committed to the nut house in the process.
Kris and
Isis were kind enough to nominate DCveR's Twilight Zone to the
2006 Bloggies Awards in the category of Best European Award, although I don't really think I deserve it. This comes in quite an awkward momment because my time to blog is far less than I wanted it to be, as may be sensed by the absence of comments in other blogs, but I'll still try and keep my posting and my readings regular.
Christine: Thanks.
tall glass: Don't worry, I am not planning any changes around here. And the truth is there is no way this would ever be the best European blog.
Congrats on the nominations!
We do understand that when you are with GH you only have eyes for her! Bugger the blogging!
Good luck with the house move! DC, you are brave to move before GH gets back home!
Your blog is great. U shld get it!
You are too modest dc...think of why this is a nice European blog... you have culture, history, translations of poetry, and of course "Guess that dinner." How could you not win? Seriously, I am sure everything is going to be wonderful in 2006 for you, GH and the "twins." :)
..oh dc..what's that in the photo? Explain a little for all of us non-scientific types what's going on there. What's in the flasks? Why do they appear to be on a conveyor belt?
cream: Thanks. As far as the moving goes, I'll try and get things done, but it will only be finished when she comes back, she has to have the final touch in the decoration. I'm sure you of all people know what I mean.
starlet: Thanks.
kris: Would you stop with that "twins" curse?! ;)
The machines are chromatographs, they are used to analyze substances, the vials have the samples to be analyzed and are being held in an autosampler, a computer controled device that picks the vials one at a time and places the samples in an automated injector, which gets the samples into the chromatograph.
My gosh, it didn't take long before you were talking waaaay over my head! What are they samples OF, and why so many of them? (Sorry, not really trying to annoy you with too many questions..!! :)
Once you have those twins (and beforehand) I can give you great advice!!
Have a good workweek, I am shutting down in Hawaii. G'nite!!
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