Wednesday, December 21, 2005

15 minutes

That's more or less the time it took my favorite niece to start going around on her own for the first time with the rollerblades Good Half and I gave her.
It's amazing how fast kids get the hang of something they had never done before.
Yes, I do know it is quite normal and all that, still I wonder when I see it actually happening.
Also it took us almost two hours of rollerblading before the wee one's butt hit the ground.
Busy as we've been this last few days it felt just great to take a big break with the little one.


Blogger Shyha said...

I think it's connected with some (as I call them) 'brain-triggers'. They're easier to switch as you are younger. The brightest example is the fear of heights/speed. Of course it's personal as not everyone could ever switch all the triggers.

21/12/05 14:24  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

How old is wee one?

What has amazed me about my children is their eye for detail. At three years old, Emily drew a picture of the cartoon character Arthur and there was no denying...with the round little ears, the glasses and triangle nose, it was Arthur all right.

Rollerblading, however, is still pretty rocky for them!

21/12/05 15:04  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: They are closer to the ground anyway, so the fall is smaller. Most of all I think they have no fear because they know nothing about broken legs.

bunny jo: 8 She is the oldest of our nieces. But most people say she is always going to be 5 for me...

21/12/05 15:19  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Maybe she can give me lessons!

21/12/05 18:20  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Now all you need to do is get her a hockey stick.

21/12/05 20:08  
Blogger Cream said...

I tried them once! Still shaking from the fall!

21/12/05 20:41  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Aww,you adoring uncle you!! That's what I see written all over this post even though it's about rollerblading and niece and skill.

Uncle. Adores.

21/12/05 22:19  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

kids are amazing. they're naturals at nearly everything.

22/12/05 08:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

bent: It's never too late to start. I started rollerblading at thirty.

phoenix: Traditional skates are better for hockey, they allow faster and shorter turns. Hockey is a very popular sport in this country.

cream: So? Get back on your wheels and try again!

GG: Do you really think so? Huuummm... you're probably right. ;)

cadiz: Specially if they see grown ups doing something kids aren't supposed to do, they'll pick it up in a snap.

22/12/05 08:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

isis: Don't be too hasty... it's freezing cold there right now.

22/12/05 13:09  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Oh, I've tried, DC. On numberous occasions. No dice. I can rappell(sp) down 75-foot walls, but rollerblading, that's a challenge. lol

23/12/05 00:57  

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