Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Trip to the dentist

Today I went to the dentist again.
Not something I like, really.
What could I do to make my trip to the dentist a little nicer?
Take the scenic route instead of the highway…
It really can be rather relaxing. Even though I was driving and taking photos at the same time to show you guys the scenic route (GH goes nuts whenever I take a photo while driving, but this time she wasn’t here).

drive1   drive2
drive3   drive4

Whenever I drive along that road I get the feeling of playing OutRun, an old arcade game.


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

It looks gorgeous! That scenic route must have made the horrid dentist seem like a breeze :-)

13/12/05 20:43  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Wow, perfect analogy. I remember OUT RUN. One of the first great racing video games. It did look just like that.

13/12/05 21:15  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

ooh i ALWAYS think i'm playing a video game when i'm driving. that's probably more dangerous than i should admit. but at least i never fall asleep...

13/12/05 21:21  
Blogger Mike said...

A route like that could make any destination better.

13/12/05 21:23  
Blogger DCveR said...

NML: The dentist is actually a nice guy, though I'd rather be with him for a drink than for treatment.

phoenix: Further ahead there is a zone with little palm trees on both sides... no kidding.

cadiz: I'm not one to preach you morals on this, I've been known to drink, eat, take pictures, hold my cell phone, write notes and do some more things while driving. And unlike the US, here all of it is forbiden while you're driving.

viking: It's one of the places where I sometimes go to unwind.

13/12/05 21:48  
Blogger Cream said...

DC, looks like the police cleared the road for you.
Must have been a problem with a decaying bridge on the root canal.
Hope it wasn't painful!

13/12/05 21:54  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: LOL In fact there is a trick to get a clear road there. Going away from Lisbon just after lunch, this means little traffic to start with. And on that road there are speed activated red lights. you just have to overspeed and cross one very late "yellow" and it is done. And yes, the last time I looked it was yellow...

13/12/05 22:02  
Blogger Annie said...

Your skies are so blue... *sigh*

Please don't get in an accident in the interests of providing us with pretty pictures though ;-)

14/12/05 07:38  
Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: Of course the ugly parts haven't been posted yet. Sadly Portugal isn't just the beautiful places...

isis: Not going would be even worst.

annie: Don't worry, I don't do it at high speed nor with heavy traffic, I may be a bit of a fool sometimes but I'm not suicidal.

14/12/05 08:20  
Blogger December's Starlet said...

eww..i hate dentists. Once the dentist accidently cut my tongue coz i was too nervous.

And How did u take pic while driving?? I wouldn't want to be in your way when u drive, that's way too dangerous. ho ho ho

14/12/05 13:35  
Blogger DCveR said...

penny: The guillotin was invented by a MD. And the inventor was AGAINST the death penalty. To make things poetically fair (or even worst) the inventor died by his own invention. The guy who invented the electric chair was trying to promote a more "humane" execution too.

starlet: Not too bad really, after setting the camera all you have to do is press the button, right? And I set the camera before starting to roll.

14/12/05 20:46  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

DC & I have been partners in dental pain. I had my last two fillings done a couple of weeks ago... and I think I am DONE! Although, why are my teeth still sensitive in both those spots??

Hope this is almost it for you too, dc!!

16/12/05 08:43  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: I am still a bit far from over, one more re-endo (root canal jobs done by previous dentists years ago that weren't as they should) and it seems I'll have to have one tooth pulled out and replaced by an implant. Over by February hopefully.

16/12/05 13:29  

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