Childhood Memory
Whatever you do, do it for yourself. If you want to be the best, be better than yourself, not better than the others.
Improving on yourself you can reach the top, trying to outdo the others you can go just as far as a step ahead of them.
This is one of the few advises I remember from my childhood.
Of course the advice was longer than this, godfathers used to make longer speeches back then.
One other thing he told me was never to envy those who were better than me at something but rather learn from them.
And: even if someone was better than me at one thing or even several things, surely there would be something I would do better than that someone.
Improving on yourself you can reach the top, trying to outdo the others you can go just as far as a step ahead of them.
This is one of the few advises I remember from my childhood.
Of course the advice was longer than this, godfathers used to make longer speeches back then.
One other thing he told me was never to envy those who were better than me at something but rather learn from them.
And: even if someone was better than me at one thing or even several things, surely there would be something I would do better than that someone.
Another lesson is that the worst so-called enemies in your life can be your greatest teachers.
Yeah, great advice!
What I know is that everything I do, I really, honestly could have done better.
And I promise myself that I will next time.
The answer is to smile at what I did yesterday and prepare myself to do better today.
The trick is not to fall in love with one's own achievements.
penny lane: I used to do that with the kids in the Boy Scouts, it really improves self esteem.
kris: The problem with learning from enemies is avoiding the temptation of acting down to their level sometimes.
isis: Yup. Although some people fall in the opposite side, looking only to their belly buttons.
cream: "not to fall in love with one's own achievements" Absolutely true.
It reminds me of Tao (as the latest mariayd's post did)
shyha: I guess it has some similarity in the sense of "self knowledge", but Tao is too passive compared to what he meant.
One of our lessons was: be kind to poor people, old people, needy people...oh, as for the lectures about morals, on and on, from the old people, on and on...
WoW - Words of Wisdom.
And those lines are so true.
GG: Same as here. And old people always tend to go over the same things again and again...
anoop: Maybe that is why I still remember them. We remember best the things that marked us the most.
Great words of wisdom DC.
Never compare your insides with somone elses outside.
Never compare, only identify.
Every philosophy should be accepted only in partial way - take all the best and those you quoted seems to be ones of my favourites. I hope I'll be improving myself that way...
tacit: When I think about it this can apply to almost everything, from sport to school grades, from financial success to arts.
Phoenix: It also keeps me from falling into the rat race. Without having to completely avoid competition.
Shyha : And even if a certain philosophical system was perfect we aren’t, Men would always twist that system into something less than perfect.
very true, but much easier said than done.
cadiz: Like most things in life. The right thing to do seldom is the easiest.
orange: When you are looking for role models, yes, definitely.
Y'know D, I think the reason why old people go over the same things [over and over and over] is that they believe that if they repeat [and repeat] the message will one day stick :-D
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