Death of a Dreamer
photo copyright: Greenpeace
It was twenty years ago.
Terrorists, because although some people deny it they are terrorists too, sunk the Rainbow Warrior.
Drowned as the ship sunk, Fernando Pereira will probably never be remembered by most people.
This Portuguese emigrant in Holland was murdered a few days after his 35th birthday. Why? He was one of the ‘official’ Greenpeace photographers that was going to take pictures of the French nuclear tests at the Moruroa Atoll.
The judges from the New Zealand court who sentenced the two French Secret Services operatives to ten years in jail did their job. Someone else didn’t, because those two murderers were free less than two years after the bombing.
He died chasing a dream of peace.
Wow. Thank you for teaching me about this heroic man. We need more posts like this.
Why do bad things mostly happen to good people? And to think the two homicidal maniacs got away with virtually no retribution.
bees knees: just as much of an hero as any of the survivors
bent: the two man that placed the bombs were surely following orders, but they didn’t give their superiors in, so they got convicted as common criminals, it’s a sick world we’re livin’ in
This world is a strange place. All men are equal, some are just more equal.
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