You just can't beat the graphs!

My issue are those graphics in the picture, the left one regards southbound trains (from Lisbon to Setubal) and the one on the right northbound trains, both throughout the day.
In each graph the yellow bar represents the number of seats on the train, whereas the blue bar is the number of passengers.
All the blue bars are clearly smaller than the yellow bars,i.e. there are always enough seats for all the passengers.
So, if you happen to ride a train going across the Tagus river and it is so crowded you can hardly fit in there it is just because all the other cars must be empty and all passengers picked the same car as you.
At least that is the only explanation I could come up with...
DC, it looks like travellers like to congregate to the same carriages to get a bit of human warmth!
La chaleur humaine!
I dunno, I'd be so cofused by the bars I'd end up in the wrong TRAIN!!!
cream: I could do with a little less human warmth while commuting.
GG: Nah... you wouldn't. The trains may be full at rush hour, but the stations have clear signs to help people find their way. It ain't all bad. :)
Ohhh Dcver, you have faith in me. I've been known to sit on the wrong bus...that is, a bus clearly labelled and numbered, going the wrong way.
DC, I had a good, good laugh at your reply!
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I'd say that perhaps the bar graph was false, but that'd be sacriligious - we all know graph's don't lie.
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