Saturday, April 15, 2006

This time of the year...

...this always seems like the right movie to see!


Blogger Dan Flynn said...

Certainly a good one for Easter Weekend and certainly a good answer to those Christians who bang on about the clash between civilisations when they criticise Islam. After watching Life of Brian the foundations of their beliefs look a little less steady. Good. And it's hilariously funny. When it was released in the UK church groups picketed the cinemas however the resulting publicity simply encouraged more to see it. Ha Ha.

15/4/06 12:10  
Blogger Cream said...

Amazing coincidence, DC!
Yesterday I watched a repeat of Michael Palin's Sahara series and it was the Tunisia episode where he showed where the Life of Brian was filmed!
I saw when it came out and I was already in love with Monty Python so I was over the moon. I have watched a couple more times since.

15/4/06 18:00  
Blogger Shyha said...

Welcome back!

That's an awesome idea! I've even talked about this movie with my girlfriend today! I have to watch it, now ;)

15/4/06 23:57  
Blogger DCveR said...

dan: Less steady foundations? What do you mean by less steady foundations? The holy roman church has the sturdiest foundations, mind you! Or at least so have the architects and builders of the Vatican assured to everybody…

cream: Monty Python were great, the movies, the Flying Circus, everything.

shyha: Well, if you haven’t seen it before now is a great time to see it.

keith: Nothing! Nothing at all!
Except perhaps aqueducts, sanitation, roads, irrigation, medicine, education, wine, law and order…

16/4/06 20:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blessed are the cheesemakers!

17/4/06 06:08  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


There's been a recent case won in the High Court in London by Dan Brown, he of The Da Vinci Code. I read the novel which I thought formulaic, however what I did enjoy is it's sustained critique of Christianity, and Opus Dei in particular. Rocky foundations? Murkey foundations more like!

17/4/06 10:33  
Blogger Unknown said...

Life of Brian: Classic


17/4/06 16:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

mister underhill: Wasn't it all dairy products producers?

dan: Dan Brown's work is fiction and it should be deemed as such. Guess Steven Saylor's work is far from bringing this much ado because it doesn't mess with any major religion of modern days, but when you look at it there are no big differences, fiction based on historical facts AND theories. Anyway, to any believer the foundations of any religion will seem rock solid, just the same way any skeptical will find any religion murkey (and we do).

CR: Actually any Monty Python will do my day. :)

17/4/06 16:56  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I keep hearing about Monty Python...but saw any...

18/4/06 21:52  

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