Thursday, January 12, 2006

Who killed the judge?

In central Portugal there is a town called Mortágua. This town’s name is a contraction of “morte” (death) and “água” (water), possibly because in ancient times this was a place with swamps.
Well, the place itself is older than memory, so as it’s name and most of all as the pride of it’s inhabitants.
Since 1192 this town was important enough to have the local judge designated by the King himself.
Of course this meant judges usually would come from out of town.
Legend has it the judges would usually be wise people who would do justice, but one day a different judge arrived.
A bad corrupt judge. Who would impose cruel punishments and be unfair in many ways.
One day that judge met his own judgment in the form of a pitchfork nailing his neck to a tree.
The King sent another judge to preside over the town’s court and to conduct inquiries on the matter of the murder of his predecessor.
When questioned on who killed the judge all locals would answer “ Mortágua killed the judge!”. With time the King gave up on punishing the murderer.
Sometimes I wish these days were back, sometimes I wish people would turn against corrupt judges and politicians instead of re-electing them over and over.


Blogger Ariadne said...

In those days, people did not have much to loose but their honour... today they could loose the job, the mobile phone, the walks in the mall, the weekends by the beach - what's honour next to a nice pair of expensive shoes anyway ?!? ...

(I did not make this up: some people actually told me their reasons for not taking a stand against "higher interests").


12/1/06 20:13  
Blogger Cream said...

I agree, DC but, by God there will so many forked up corrupt people in the world we'll run out of pitchforks and will have to start using pitchspoons!

12/1/06 21:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no one seems to have any balls anymore. where have all the good assassins gone?

12/1/06 22:35  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Deadwater killed the judge.

Well, being a non-violent person I'd go for non-election of folks not wanted, rather than pitchforks through their necks...brrrr...

12/1/06 22:42  
Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: Sorry, I'd pitchfork our own politicians first...

isis: And even when you find one there's no warranty he'll stay good.

tall glass: I've been cynicized back in high school... there is no going back to innocence.

ariadne: Well, maybe one of these days we must do part with our commodities and take this country back.

cream: Remember the ecological Rs? Reduce, re-use, recycle? Pitchforks can be used over and over!!!

bees: Are you for hire? ;)

GG: Well, usually I prefer a non-violent approach, but watching the way people here keep re-electing crooks and the way courts keep letting crooks off the hook on account of alleged technicalities...

12/1/06 23:41  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

i agree, too. fork 'em all.

13/1/06 01:45  
Blogger Shyha said...

While reading your posts about history of Portugal one thing comes to my mind: the Portuguese people where very aware of what is happening around them - what's good and what's bad for them.

13/1/06 09:57  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


Pinning judges to trees with pitchfork's through the neck, huh? I see potential here for a new Olympic event where the poor and downtrodden (that's most of us by the way) get to pin, via the neck, by means of a pitchfork, to a tree (or recycled wooden post)the rich powerful and corrupt of this earth. For example G Bush, T Blair, those oil magnates who are currently salivating over the destruction of the Alaskan tundra, Tom DeLay, (insert other names of choice here...). We could call it 'Pin Neck' and just as they have those Mexican Waves in football stadiums we could all shout in unison "Pin Neck" in the moment before the neck is actually pinned. I think it would bring us together, make us feel part of a decent whole and also see off those unpleasant individuals who mainly wish to make money out of doing us and the planet harm. Gory I know but hey, you can't make an omellete (or is it omelette) without cracking a few eggs. Could be bigger than the lottery in terms of audiences, however we would not allow sponsorship, that would cheapen an otherwise wholesome evening's entertainment.

13/1/06 11:27  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: And yet sometimes the Portuguese people have this weird capacity of knowing and ignoring problems, no matter if they are foreign or national. Apathy is still a big disease here.

dan: Sadly you are right about people rejoicing with all the gore. Ratings would be tremendous. Sad, very sad indeed. We've not evolved much from the panem et circenses of the old Roman empire, have we?

13/1/06 15:14  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...

Oh D, I think we've evolved a great deal since the those times. The majority of people are decent and kind, any heartlessness in this sometimes heartless world comes from the top, believe me. Listen to the warmongers Bush Blair and the like then compare with those who are against war, 2 million marched in London (the largest demo in that city ever) and I'm sure tens of thousands marched through Lisbon similarly. A friend on mine hitched to Portugal during the revolution in 1974, he described it to me as the most exhilarating thing he had ever done and even though he could not speak a word of the language the people were welcoming and touched by his loyalty to them. This I think is the true reality of the human condition. Decency is everywhere and where it is not then profit is king and the big profits go to the truly heartless, the people who own the whole show, people that Bush and Blair represent. It's ordinary people that give me strength, lets hear it for them all! (He says, raising a glass of cold white sparkling wine on this Friday night in damp old Manchester)

Hope you have a good weekend yerself.

13/1/06 20:19  
Blogger Maria do Rosário Sousa Fardilha said...

adorei este post!

21/1/06 02:34  

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