Sunday, January 15, 2006

A room with a view

This is the view from our future bedroom.


Blogger Shyha said...

Was this photo taken in mid-january???

15/1/06 17:30  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: Yup. Yesterday was a real spring day. Today was kind of gray and rainy, fortunately. We're having another dry winter so far, with sunny days. The bad thing about it is that it will probably mean more drought next summer.

15/1/06 20:19  
Blogger Cream said...

So, when are you moving then?
The last time we moved was 6 years ago. Karen took care of everything.

She talked about moving again last year but I think it wasn't the right property... Thank God, because I am not that keen on moving.

15/1/06 20:54  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: They are supposed to finish building it by the end of February, after that there is some licensing and paperwork to do and after that the final sale in March, hopefully.

15/1/06 21:46  
Blogger Unknown said...

higher than the rest... :)

about warm winters- in NY we've been having springtime weather aswell abt 20C and SUNNY- but i think its supposed to get cold next week - everywhere has been warmenr than usual

16/1/06 04:30  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

congrats with your comming appartment!!! Hope you'll make it worthwhil dwelling for all those coming junior dcver's. May there be many of you. Best wishes:)

16/1/06 08:25  
Blogger Shyha said...

We had a february with temperatures at about 12-13 Celsius once, but it's very unusual in Poland.

16/1/06 08:47  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Ahh, the Portuguese blue sky. How lucky you are.

Where are you moving to?

My initial hope was to buy something around the expo zone when we eventually go back, but we were told by Antonio's friends that that area ended up being kind of a flop because the houses were developed too quickly and the quality was poor and had a lot of moisture issues being so close to the river....We were further told that it is impossible to buy anything affordable within the actual limits of Lisbon. Is this true?

16/1/06 13:09  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Congratulations DC. Not a bad view at all.

It was unseasonably warm here in NY so fat this winter, but it dropped to 23 degrresF yesterday and today.

16/1/06 18:02  
Blogger Caribbean Colors Belize said...

Groovy view. Its seasonably cool here, although I pretend, when asked, that its NEVER EVER this cool, at this time of the year. Cool weather to us is under 78F. BBBBRRRRRR

16/1/06 18:11  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: That is one of the main reasons we are moving. Bad upstairs neighbors, they make too much noise and Good Half can't sleep well. The new place is the top floor, no more noise from above.

isa, isae: Easy there! Next you'll be starting with Kris' mantra, the twins curse on Good Half and me...

shyha: The weather is all messed up almost everywhere.

portuguesa: Just mving half a mile. We live on the southern margin of the Tagus river. Expo buildings are too pricey, as most buildings in Lisbon.
I've always lived in Lisbon's city center, my parents still do. Yet ever since I moved to suburbia I don't really feel like moving back into the city. I can take a train and be in the center of Lisbon in twenty minutes. I can be on the beach in fifteen minutes, I also get to see some green.

phoenix: Thanks. In the northern part of the country there was a huge snow storm too, but here we've just had some rain yesterday and today it's sunny again. Winter wasn't supposed to be like this.

caribbean colors: You're mocking us! No fair! Even with all this sunshine the highest temps here are still around 60ºF!

16/1/06 21:11  
Blogger Glitzy said...

Beautiful *sigh* I envy you guys!

17/1/06 16:52  
Blogger DCveR said...

glitzy: And at the same time you shouldn't envy us, we're only moving because we must.

christine: The new place layout is pretty much the same as this one, so there will be no big change in decoration (or so I am told so far, of course GH can change her mind).

17/1/06 23:13  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

It looks great dc!! Glad you have the top floor... only the birds can bother GH now. :)

21/1/06 09:31  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Hope you are right. Noist neighbours are terrible.

21/1/06 09:55  

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